Freitag, 17. Mai 2024 um 05:01 - futziwolf
Well... here are the next artists, who
presents their work in the aponaut: INSIDE artzineYo!!! und hier sind die nächsten Artists,
die sich in Global graffics im aponauten präsentieren: INSIDE artzine The first three works are from the INSIDEartzine Specialissue 10 1/2 TERROR.
This time in No. 11 with MAXIMUM ARTSCUM from Europe, USA, Japan and Australia -
Evil + Subversive Paintings, Drawings, Collages, Stories, Poems, Reports from:
Naoto Hattori (JAP),
J.K. Potter (USA),
Jan Off (GER),
Marcel Ruijters (NL),
Microbo (ITA),
Karl Persson (AUS),
Mike Bohatch (USA),
Fabrice Lavolley (BEL),
Urs Böke (GER) + many other weirdos...."Are you still playing with dolls?!" - Dolls + Sculptures,
"R`leih Cthulhu" - Interviewtrip with H.P. Hutter
"Ink means eternity " - The tattoomummies from Riberalta
Reviewsmay it hound your dreams.....
jenzzzzz ©winter 2007

, 40 x A4 pages, full color, offset, quality paper, english: 4 euro
ONLINESHOP (Banktransfer + PayPal), Big Preview, Newsblog, Backissues: a free PDF of the complete #11 to review...


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