GLOBAL GRAFFICS 01 : Gael Cecchin

Freitag, 3. Mai 2024 um 20:37 - futziwolf
Well... here is the first artist, who
presents himself in the aponaut: Gael Cecchin Yo!!! und hier ist der erste Artist, der sich in Global graffics im aponauten präsentiert:
Gael Cecchin yo aponauten,
here comes my artwork with some late !
and a little bio :
Part Zombie - part Graffik Designer, Gael Cecchin akaYuck worked with Teamchman for over three years on a lot of different projects including Banja web, tv adverts, an animated pilote, illustrations and web design, he now works freelance. He`s currently working on illustrations, design and customising various toys. His brain is a weird place where freaky and cute monsters jump around together. Living in Lille, north of France, Yuck wants to draw more nice braindead characters, listen more musik and do a comic book for wicked puppies.hope it`s good for usee ya
y u c k


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