SoundDigger Vol.240 :: TRAINWRECK

Dienstag, 27. November 2012 um 19:38 - futziwolf

[happy birthday monsignore]

Taken from a poem by Charles Bukowski called "The harder they try", "if there is light it will find you" might sound a bit fatalistic and well, in some way it is, but it also offers hope. in this regard that line also works in contrast to the lyrics on this record: a lot of them might seem a little bit negative and depressing and that´s just what they are. i do believe that everyone tends to get depressed from time to time and i´m glad i have this outlet to get a lot of that stuff of my chest, but yeah, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, even if it´s just the train steaming ahead of you... oh but don´t you worry, because tomorrow we will run faster, making for a great "Stand By Me"-esque escape. ps.: as always, the explanations offered are just my personal interpretations, feel free to read into the lyrics what makes sense for yourself. make your own noise.


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